Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Microscopic Adventure

Micro Volts is the latest third person shooter to be released. Well technically that’s a lie; it’s actually be in closed beta for quite a while. Not as long as Get Amped 2 but still a LOOOONG time. In Micro Volt you are an action figure brought to life with the power of a special battery. However “resources” are scarce in the Micro world so you find yourself having to kill other dolls in order to keep yourself powered up and ultimatly animated.

Anyway, there’s only one way to describe Micro Volts and that’s this: If you can afford to buy Team Fortress 2 from Steam then do so, if not download this game cause it’s the EXACT same. The biggest difference is that Micro Volts doesn’t have classes, any character can use any weapon at any time, ranging from the Heavy’s “Heavy Machine Gun,” the Sniper’s “Sniper Rifle” and the Demoman’s…well you get the idea. The other biggest difference is Micro Volts has girls, and with those girls comes panties. The anime girl has a stereotypical mini-skirt that’s a little too “mini” and the gothic doll doesn’t wear any bottoms at all. They make for great distractions while you get yourself 1 hit killed by a sniper round, or a rocket, a grenade, ect.

Micro Volts sniper matches are usually “do or die” showdowns. This wouldn’t be a problem if only a few players had sniper rifles, but anyone can pull one out and put a bullet right between your eyes. There’s no denying that Micro Volts takes a ridiculous amount of skill no matter what style map you are playing. So needless to say it made me feel really good inside to maintain a positive Kill to Death Ratio the entire time I was playing. Because normally in shooters my KTD is like my sex life; so bad it’s non-existent.

Micro Volts in a nutshell, is a fun game, a hard game, and a COPIED game. However if you’re willing to forgive how painfully obvious of a rip off this game is, then look it up.

Team Fortress 2, oh wait I’m sorry MICRO VOLTS, gets a 5 out of 10