Friday, July 29, 2011

Realm of Torrment

To say that I wasn’t anticipating this game would be a complete lie; on the other hand to say I was looking forward to playing it would be a lie as well.

Realm of the Titans is a DoTA, remember how well that went last time with League of Legends? Though TBH my opinion of League of Legends I admit has improved as of late. It’s the only game that I gave a horrible review to that I still play. That statement is made all the more hilarious when I realize “Oh wow I’ve played this game longer than I’ve played some of the games I gave GOOD reviews” LOL.

RoT is best described as a Free 2 Play Heroes of Newearth. It is almost the exact same as HoN from top to bottom; from denial, to items, to how champions (*cough* excuse me I mean “heroes”) function compared to creeps. It does have a neet little system known as “titan skills” which is the games equivalent to the Summoner Skills in LoL, however instead of getting access to more of the skills the higher your Summoner level is, you actually get more skills the longer each individual game progresses. Another thing I really like is that you don’t have to pay real money for skins. They are bought with in game money, however you can only keep them for a limited time (max 120 days give or take a few) so be sure to only get a skin for your favorite hero.

Now I’m sure these questions have been going through your head since you started reading this review so I will now answer them:

1) Is RoT better then HoN? Hell yeah

2) Is Rot better than LoL? Hell NO

You can argue about it till the sun goes down but the fact remains despite being a DoTA, League of Extraordinary Individuals is a game all its own. While RoTting In the Ground and Heroes of Mars are both clear and obvious rip offs of the original DoTA of Warcraft.

That aside, The HuD if Realm is very, very bad; the mini map is a little too mini to the point all you can see are blue and red dots which doesn't help you at all in ganks, and your gold is shoved up in the top right corner and the number is so small you need glasses. Once more champions eat through manna like a fat kid at an all you can eat buffet so get used to relying on your auto attack A LOT. With such a faulty combat style and a clunky crowded display, not to mention its lousy handling and the lack of a free recall spell, Realm of the Titans is just NOT GOOD.

RoTTing away gets a 3 out of 10 better than my rating of LoL [no I will not go change my post] but not better than my oppinion of LoL. Figure that one out scholars!