Sunday, July 10, 2011

Blessings of The Divine

I just wanna start by saying I was thoroughly surprised at Divine Souls. Normally action style beat-em-up “arena” MMOs have little to no story outside of the individual characters plots, none the less a decent amount of character customization. Divine Souls had both, while the classes determined what gender you were which I think is downright ridiculous, I had no problem becoming wrapped up with my character.

Divine Souls has many plots, but I’m going to save time by only talking about my own. As the priest, you are a member of a secret order of monster slayers, brandishing your scythe as well as the powers of light and darkness (Or in my case, strictly darkness) in order to keep the world safe. With the aid of your friends or as a lone wolf, this game can be just as social as it can be a single player time killer rivaling top Pay to Play games like Aeon in entertainment.

Obviously this game isn’t perfect. There is still a lack of customization; however this isn’t a MMORPG so I’m willing to forgive it. Another thing is that the game seems a little TOO easy. While I do enjoy games that allow you to effortless slaughter hundreds of enemies (I did play Dynasty Warriors Online) I’d at least like a bit of a challenge. You’re given 10 revive stones at level one and at level 10 I’ve yet to use one. Once I hit level 20 I’ll have access to a life drain skill so potions will be pointless, it might just be the priest only but like I said before it’s simply not a challenge.

But I’m not about to let that kill this game, It’s really great and I loved playing it, I’m gonna enjoy playing it, at least until the next thing comes out.

Divine Souls gets a 6 out of 10 [I’m sure it has come to your attention that I don’t have screen shots for this game, that is because print screen didn’t work for some reason, so I’m sorry but you'll have to play the game yourself to see how awesome it is.]