Friday, July 29, 2011


Due to the increasing lack of new MMO releases, I've decided to take a little break from reviewing. I should be back sometime around November if not sooner with reviews of Guild Wars 2 and hopefully Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Also if something else is released I'll be sure and attempt an effort at a review...but no promises.

Realm of Torrment

To say that I wasn’t anticipating this game would be a complete lie; on the other hand to say I was looking forward to playing it would be a lie as well.

Realm of the Titans is a DoTA, remember how well that went last time with League of Legends? Though TBH my opinion of League of Legends I admit has improved as of late. It’s the only game that I gave a horrible review to that I still play. That statement is made all the more hilarious when I realize “Oh wow I’ve played this game longer than I’ve played some of the games I gave GOOD reviews” LOL.

RoT is best described as a Free 2 Play Heroes of Newearth. It is almost the exact same as HoN from top to bottom; from denial, to items, to how champions (*cough* excuse me I mean “heroes”) function compared to creeps. It does have a neet little system known as “titan skills” which is the games equivalent to the Summoner Skills in LoL, however instead of getting access to more of the skills the higher your Summoner level is, you actually get more skills the longer each individual game progresses. Another thing I really like is that you don’t have to pay real money for skins. They are bought with in game money, however you can only keep them for a limited time (max 120 days give or take a few) so be sure to only get a skin for your favorite hero.

Now I’m sure these questions have been going through your head since you started reading this review so I will now answer them:

1) Is RoT better then HoN? Hell yeah

2) Is Rot better than LoL? Hell NO

You can argue about it till the sun goes down but the fact remains despite being a DoTA, League of Extraordinary Individuals is a game all its own. While RoTting In the Ground and Heroes of Mars are both clear and obvious rip offs of the original DoTA of Warcraft.

That aside, The HuD if Realm is very, very bad; the mini map is a little too mini to the point all you can see are blue and red dots which doesn't help you at all in ganks, and your gold is shoved up in the top right corner and the number is so small you need glasses. Once more champions eat through manna like a fat kid at an all you can eat buffet so get used to relying on your auto attack A LOT. With such a faulty combat style and a clunky crowded display, not to mention its lousy handling and the lack of a free recall spell, Realm of the Titans is just NOT GOOD.

RoTTing away gets a 3 out of 10 better than my rating of LoL [no I will not go change my post] but not better than my oppinion of LoL. Figure that one out scholars!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Blessings of The Divine

I just wanna start by saying I was thoroughly surprised at Divine Souls. Normally action style beat-em-up “arena” MMOs have little to no story outside of the individual characters plots, none the less a decent amount of character customization. Divine Souls had both, while the classes determined what gender you were which I think is downright ridiculous, I had no problem becoming wrapped up with my character.

Divine Souls has many plots, but I’m going to save time by only talking about my own. As the priest, you are a member of a secret order of monster slayers, brandishing your scythe as well as the powers of light and darkness (Or in my case, strictly darkness) in order to keep the world safe. With the aid of your friends or as a lone wolf, this game can be just as social as it can be a single player time killer rivaling top Pay to Play games like Aeon in entertainment.

Obviously this game isn’t perfect. There is still a lack of customization; however this isn’t a MMORPG so I’m willing to forgive it. Another thing is that the game seems a little TOO easy. While I do enjoy games that allow you to effortless slaughter hundreds of enemies (I did play Dynasty Warriors Online) I’d at least like a bit of a challenge. You’re given 10 revive stones at level one and at level 10 I’ve yet to use one. Once I hit level 20 I’ll have access to a life drain skill so potions will be pointless, it might just be the priest only but like I said before it’s simply not a challenge.

But I’m not about to let that kill this game, It’s really great and I loved playing it, I’m gonna enjoy playing it, at least until the next thing comes out.

Divine Souls gets a 6 out of 10 [I’m sure it has come to your attention that I don’t have screen shots for this game, that is because print screen didn’t work for some reason, so I’m sorry but you'll have to play the game yourself to see how awesome it is.]

Friday, July 8, 2011

Solo Fivetress One

There’s been so much talk about Team Fortress 2 that every time someone says the word Babies it makes me want to punch one…Okay that was sadistic, but you get where I’m going with this. Any way in an effort to help break up some of the almost endless amount of banter about this game, here’s my review of the game.

To quote Yahtzee: TF2 is “Fucking fucking fucking fucking, bad bad bad bad, don’t don’t don’t Don’t Play It.”

I honestly can’t see what all the fuss is about; Team Fortress 2 is a really bad game. Perhaps the only reason it’s good is because its cultist fans have never gotten outside of the 2 room apartment that is the game and tried any of the other multitudes of shooters out there. I had more fun playing Call of Duty and I SUCK at that game.

Team Fortress 2 has a lot of the same problems that S4 League had. The costumes (or in this case the hats) were completely useless, and anyone who bothered wasting money on the game instantly became the Game’s equivalent to Jesus Christ while all the other people who are smart and don’t spend money on MMO shooters are left to cry in a corner because they don’t have any fancy hats and everyone on the enemy team is one hit killing them. I know the Spy is suppose to be able to 1hk, but when the Demoman or the Pyro does it I know there’s a problem.

Speaking of Spies, they’re arguably the most useless class in the game despite all the praise and fancy CGI behind them. Any smart human can tell if you’re on their team or not, and all the bots can see past your stealth so you can forget ever pulling off a backstab, which leaves you with the dinky revolver that…oh by the way, doesn’t work.

If you’re the medic you’re focused, if you’re the sniper you’re ganked almost effortlessly or picked off by another sniper. If you’re a scout you get burned to death and if you’re a soldier or demo man you’re about as useless as your ability to “rocket jump.” So in the long run, if you DO try this game, be sure to be the Pyro or the Heavy since they’re the only good characters in the game. Engineer? Hah! Do the words “Heavy Machine Gun” mean anything to you?

The game has had plenty of time to balance itself and plenty of time for more maps, the fact of the matter is Valve simply doesn’t want too…The fact that they made it free to play is basically them saying “here have something to keep you company while we take the next two years to come out with the next big game.”

Team 4-3-2 gets a 2 (HA) out of 10 if you were thinking about downloading it you might as well buy The Orange Box, at least then you get Half Life and Portal two of the greatest games ever made and you can spend your time playing those while taking the time to point and laugh at TF2 between loading screens because let’s face it you’ve got better things to do than play it.