A Runescape Classic screenshot
I'll admit it's not "Elder Scroll Oblivion" good graphic wise, there's also the fact that free to play has only 1/80 of the things that members have.
The groups behind runescape will try and convince you the Free play is not a demo but a game all its own. Free play does have it's own unique quests that the member quests reflect off of (and in most cases require you to do) but don't let that fool you it really is just a demo compared to what you can really get for $5 a month (recently the price rose to 6-something a month for all those who aren't already members.)
But I'm not about to talk to heavily down on what really is a fun game behind the smoke and mirrors of the pay to play option.
Out of 5 stars I would give it about 3.5
(6.5 out of 10)