Friday, August 21, 2009

Guild Wars bites the dust...

At it's peak Guild Wars was one of the best online games I had ever come across to date. It's stunning graphics and easily enjoyable Role Play stories as well as PvP story plot and arenas made it a game that topped even World of Warcraft.

Notice of course that I said "At it's peak," and "was." Do to constant interference from Anet the team responsible for Guild Wars' function, as well as the mass production of builds via a PvX Wiki website, the game has taken a dramatic turn for the worst.

Guild Wars' skills are constantly being "Improved" (oh please) twisting and perverting them from their original genius, into skills that make you question why they were ever made in the first place. A skill that once did additional damage to an enchanted target would now do little more then cause that target to bleed and become crippled (even if they aren't enchanted). And skills that were once used for "back up protection" or "makeshift healing" have become full scale healing and protection abilities. Unique builds that showed off ones creativity and genius are a thing of the past with everyone using the same build as everyone else.

Will the realise of GW2 save Guild Wars? I do not think so. With the level cap rased from 20 to somthing much higher Guilld Wars will loose it's entire theme of Stratagy and Teamwork. Also by adding jumping, races, and the rumor of mounts coming in, GW2 might verry well become a Free 2 Play World of Warcraft...Who knows...maybe Arena Net will come to their sences and change the skill back, and maybe orgionality can shine on this game once more...
May Guild Wars R.I.P with a 7 out of 10 score