The game itself is great, but the people who play it...not so much.
Casters and Range units make a habit of running scared whenever you try to attack them, then the moment you turn around they stun, freeze, slow, you and effortlessly pick you off. To counter this many melee units have a dash or "Jump" ability to zero in on the Ranged based characters, however these skills usually warp you in front of a turret that can do as much as several hundred points of damage to you in one hit, and guess who's there to make sure you cant get away from it? The casters and rangers, who after your killed by the turret gain a level and gold for free and proceed to do the same thing against the next player.
This game is quite broke, and full of cowards who exploit every little slip or slide to get the advantage over you. It's gotten so bad I myself can hardly stand to play the game any more. I recommend finding a game with a much better PvP because this is a waste of time.
This game gets a 2 out of 10 (1 out of 5)